Take Care of Your Self

Take Care of Your Self

We often hear people say "Take Care of Your Self" but many people have no idea how to actually do this.  They have no solid foundational practice for caring for their integrated wellbeing.  At the most they may have one aspect of self-care, perhaps for their physical wellbeing, but what about mental and emotional.  

This program offers 6 specific practices that can be combined to support a foundation for self-care in such a way as to generate an integrative effect, whereby one can be confident that they are indeed truly taking care of their "self" in a way that doesn't neglect any part of themselves.

This will be done in such a way whereby participants can complete the program and return to their lives with such a practice cultivated to continue in their lives.

We are excited about launching this program in 2024.   For more details regarding this program specifically, and to request this program for your group, email info@day1.events. We can possibly launch this sooner.